Monday, January 1, 2007

23 - More iPhone Shenanigans

It was reported recently on Gizmodo that Leo Laporte thinks that there is no doubt in his mind that Apple will announce the iPhone at Macworld. I'm starting to wonder if Apple will or not. At this point, and just solely from all the hype it's received even though Apple hasn't confirmed anything, I think that they would be slightly crazy not to release something. Key in iPhone or iTalk in Google and see the millions of hits you get. Apple has spent exactly $0 on the iPhone marketing campaign, and everyone is going nutso over it. Is this how Apple planned it, or is it a mistake gone terribly right?

Another rumor has been spreading about Apple acquiring the name iMobile for their supposedly upcoming cell phone. This is, in fact, not true. There are 8 trademarks on the name iMobile, none of which belong to Apple, as reported by Apple Gazette.

I think, if Apple is making a phone, that a name like the MacPhone or something simple would suffice, to set it apart from the "i-stuff." I don't know if Apple should roll out a cell phone though. The iPod is selling record numbers and the Mac laptops have reached record sales. Apple's desktops are lagging in sales however.

Let me ask you this, what comes to mind first when I say Apple? iPod, Fruit, laptop... in that order, correct? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but an iPod a day doesn't keep the doctor away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you somewhat, but I think that Apple should still come out with a phone. WHat you said about their marketing campaign is true, and I think they would clobber any competition they'll face. Just my two cents.